Brazil Sitio Capao - Espresso
Single Origin

Brazil Sitio Capao - Espresso

Balanced Chocolate wafer Toasted Almond

Sitio Capão is a 12-hectare farm owned by producer Aneiuson Souza. The 41 years old has been working in coffee for two decades, having inherited the farm from his father. When he first took over, Aneiuson used the knowledge gained from his degree in Agricultural Technology to overhaul the farm’s agricultural program and maximize the land’s potential. Today, two-thirds of Sitio Capão is planted with specialty-grade coffee, and Aneiuson has won several awards for his output. He takes great pride and care in the way he harvests and processes his coffee, from preparing the land through to storing the parchment. During harvest, all cherries are picked by hand only when fully ripe, with most of the labor provided by him, his family, and a handful of neighbour's and seasonal workers. Aneiuson maintains full autonomy over how each coffee lot is treated,

Tasting Notes: Toasted almond, chocolate wafer, balances and clean

Farmer: Aneiuson Souza

Region: Chapada Diamantina

Varietal: Catuai

Elevation: 1,300M

Process: Pulped Natural